Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Homeward Bound (again)

Pop and Lola have an easier time taking care of two babies at once than daddy does.

Corin's first lollipop...a sticky mess.

Abby came home from the hospital yesterday. The high intensity blue light that she was under brought down her bilirubin count very quickly, so the one extra night was all that she needed. So we have all been home for a little over 24 hours now…so far, so good.
Kristi’s milk has come in with a vengeance and she is pumping a little bit just to make herself more comfortable, as she is creating more than Abby is eating right now. But Abby nurses every three hours or so, and is getting better and better at it.
Corin hasn’t had too much to say about Abby yet. He has touched her a couple times, and looks at her when she makes noise, but nothing major yet. Kristi did say that when they were in the hospital the other day that Corin did try to give Abby his pacifier. When she wouldn’t take it after two attempts, he decided that he would rather suck on it himself.
Corin had his first physical therapy session with the First Steps program yesterday. He is crawling well (I’m finally putting some video of that up today) and they like that, but he still has some pronation issues with his feet. So they prescribed some orthotic inserts for his shoes. It will take a little while to get those made, so we’ll have to wait and see how that goes.
We’ve had a steady stream of family coming to the house, which has been fantastic. Abby got to meet Aunt Emily and Uncle Matt last night. So was so excited that she promptly fell asleep. We are just all very happy to have our complete family home and healthy.

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