Monday, June 14, 2010

Another day in the hospital

Corin eating on the floor out of a room service lid (although it looks like he is eating out of a dog food bowl).

We had a great first full day with Abby in the hospital. She spent the night in the nursery, and they just brought her in to us when it was time for her to eat. So Kristi and I got a few blocks of sleep throughout the night, which was great. We did the same thing last night, figuring we might as well take advantage of the nursing staff while we’ve got them.

Abby’s bilirubin levels have been climbing up a bit (just like Corin did) and she is a bit jaundice as a result. Yesterday they had her on a little bili-blanket, which makes her look like a little glow worm when she is all wrapped up. Her level was still climbing this morning, so unfortunately Kristi will be checking out of the hospital but Abby is going to have to spend another night. There is a hotel attached to the hospital and Kristi will stay there so she can come down throughout the night when it is time for Abby to eat. It is a little frustrating not to be able to take her home with us, but it should just be for one day and this experience hasn’t been anything close to what we went through with Corin.

We had visits from our friends Erica and Kristi yesterday, along with Aunt Faye, Lola, Grandma and Corin. Corin saw Abby for the first time, but didn’t seem too interested.

Thanks to everyone for your warm wishes and congratulations. We love you all and should all be home after tomorrow and ready to introduce Abby to everyone.

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