Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day / Abby's first check-up

Corin helping Daddy with the yard work.

Our babies together.

Things continue to go well with the new addition to our family. Abby has been home for just under a week, and has slept for most of that time. Unfortunately for Kristi most of the time that she is awake is in the middle of the night. Her days and nights are still a bit mixed up, so she is sleeping a lot during the day and then will be awake for 90 minute stretches in the middle of the night. Kristi is staying strong to try and only breast feed her, so for now there is not too much that I can do to help. I'm sleeping in the other room so that at least one of us is well rested to take care of Corin, who doesn't care how much sleep you have had, he would like to play right now please.
I had a wonderful Father's Day weekend with my family. Grandma came up on Friday and Sunday. My whole family came up on Saturday. So there were lots of visitors and people lining up to hold Abby and play with Corin. On Father's Day Kristi had Corin drawing on the envelope of a card from he and Abby. So he was scribbling all over it and then started drawing on his arms, her arm and the table. So Kristi took the pen away from him and put him on the floor. He was very unhappy about this. She handed him the card and told him to "Take it to Daddy". So he walked over to me holding his card for my, crying the whole way. It was very sweet.
Abby had her one week appointment this afternoon. She weighs 6 lbs, 8 oz, which they are happy with. All babies drop weight after they are born and it can take up to two weeks to get back to their birth weight. So we go back next week to make sure that she is still gaining weight well.
Abby is a happy baby most of the time...well, actually she is asleep most of the time. Most of the time that she is awake she is a happy baby. She really only seems to cry when she is cold (like when we are changing her, giving her a bath, or undress her to try and awake her up so she'll eat). Corin is also very happy most of the time. He does get fussy when he's ready for a nap or when his teeth are bothering him. But all you have to do to make him happy is to take him outside. He loves to play outside and he cannot get enough of the lawn mower. He will stand at it and grab onto the start cord and is endlessly entertained. He stood at it for about half an hour the other day while I was doing yard work. And no matter how long he has been there, he is always upset when you take him away from it.
Thanks so much for all of the love and well wishes. We are pretty much in our groove at home, so if you are around and want to visit the babies, just give us a call. We'll gladly let you entertain them for us.

Corin getting down to some sweet Creed on the radio.

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