Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 4th of July

Corin and his QP-Doll hairdo.

First sponge bath.

Matching swimming outfits.

Corin loves sweeping (seriously).

Corin does lots of chores...he LOVES to use the lint roller.

At a pool party for his friend and swim lesson partner John.

At swim lessons.

What happens when Corin is left alone for a few minutes with a box of cereal?

Sorry that we missed a few pictures on the last post. We more than doubled up on them here to try and make up for it.
We had a good day yesterday and today (thanks to Pop and Lola yesterday and Grandma today). But the week before that was a little rough. Abby has been super gassy and fussy at night, and Corin was having some serious teething pain. He was so bad that he would wake up in the middle of the night screaming. Abby has been sleeping on the couch with Kristi and all last week I ended up taking Corin into bed with me so I could try and comfort him in the night. Last night he was fine with his teeth, but all of the fireworks in our neighborhood woke him up and scared him.
On the pleasant developments with him, he has started repeating some words that we say, which is fun. Almost everyday I take him for a walk in his little Cozy Coupe car. When he hanks the horn in the car I always say "Honk Honk". The other day after I said it he repeated "Honk Honk". He now knows the word "Up" too. He repeated it after me the other day and not only does he love saying it, but he really seems to know what it means too. Every night at bath time I tell him "Arms Up" so I can take his shirt off and he lifts his arms over his head. Lastly, in the last 36 hours he has started spinning in circles in place. He spins around a few times and then gets too dizzy and falls over. As long as he doesn't hit his head when he falls he lays on the floor and laughs.
His physical therapy has been going well and I think that we are pretty much done with it. He can stand up on his own now without holding onto anything to help him, which was the last main thing they really wanted him to work on. He still pronates his feet a lot so we had him fitted for little shoe inserts the other day. They should be ready in a couple weeks and should take care of that problem.
Abby had her two week check up the other day. She weighed in at 7 pounds, 1 ounce, which was great. They just wanted her to be back up to her birth weight (6, 12) by then, so she is gaining weight nicely. She was in the 10th percentile for height and weight, but that is where Corin started out too and he is now at about the 95th percentile. The doctor says that the percentiles don't really matter too much, just as long as the height and weight percentiles stay relatively close to each other.
We are looking forward to this week, which is the first week in a few months that we don't have a doctor's appointment for at least one member of our household. Hope you all have a safe and fun 4th of July. (No fireworks for us tonight, since we rarely can stay out of bed later than 9pm. But our town shoots them off the week before the 4th, so we left the kids at home with Grandma last week and Kristi and I got to see some then).

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