Friday, July 16, 2010

One month old / First haircut

Playing at the arcade / bounce house

First haircut

Working out with the kettlebell

Petting the one day old cows

Inserts to correct foot pronation

Playing in a living room fort with mommy

Abby turned one month old four days ago (or at least it was four days ago when I typed this - I've been able to find a few seconds to type our updates, but getting time to select and upload the pics has been a bit tricky). She had her one month doctor check-up the same day and we now have medical certification that she is a "perfect healthy little baby". She weighed in at 8 pounds, 4 ounces, which is more than a pound heavier than her two week check-up. So she is gaining more than an ounce each day right now, which is great. Kristi has been doing a great job with the breast feeding and that is going much easier than it did with Corin (which has a little to do with experience and a lot to do with production).
Corin had his first haircut the other day. We went to a place that only does kids' haircuts, and he had a pretty good time. They have a little playground inside that he ran around on while we were waiting and then he got a balloon (he loves balloons) when he was done. We didn't chop off his curls or anything drastic like that. We just gave him a little trip so that his mom would stop saying that he looked like a crazy Nick Nolte.
We took Corin to a kids' play place that has a bunch of inflatable bouncing houses and games. We went in just to check it out and discovered that it was free for kids under two years old. So we have already gone back once and I'm sure that there are more trips to come. Corin has a pretty good time playing in the little bounce house, but he really enjoys walking around all of the video games and skill games (Skee-ball, Whack-a-Mole, etc). The lights and the sounds just suck him right in.
In the last two weeks we also took a trip downtown and met our friends Fritz and Susan. Eddy's Ice Cream was having a little sundae festival. So we went to have a little treat and see some of the cows that donated to our dessert. There were two calves that were just one day old and a mama cow. Corin enjoyed petting the calves and having a few bites of ice cream.
Lastly, Corin got his orthotic inserts for his feet yesterday. It took him a couple minutes to get used to having them in his shoes, but now he doesn't even seem to notice that they are there. They should quickly correct the pronation of his feet. All other issues that required his physical therapy have been resolved and we are done with that.

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