Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Abby Turns 2 - Air Show - Fun Frolic - Water Balloons

They LOVE feeding the birds.

Visiting the DC Air Show.

In front of a P-51 Mustang.
Water balloon fight!

Local Fun Frolic.

Abby's 2nd birthday party.

     We’ve had another couple busy months since our last update.  Corin had his three year check up with the Doc.  He was 39 pounds and 39 inches.  So he is a square just like his dad.  They thought that he should be a little more conversational than he is, so we were referred to a speech therapy program that is run by the county here.  They agreed and he will start with a program when school starts in the fall.  He will go to an elementary school five days a week for a couple hours in the morning.  It is basically a preschool where they will focus on speech as well as regular preschool things.  Mommy is a bit sad that her little boy is going to go to school already, but it should end up being a good thing.
     Abby had her three year check up.  She weighed 27.2 pounds (50%) and was 35 3/4 inches tall (90%).  So she's still tall and slim (not that you would know it to look at her).  She’s still stubbornly not talking at all.  She understands when you tell her to do things, but she just doesn’t want to say anything for herself.  So I’m not sure why our children don’t want to talk like they should.  Abby will meet with the same group Corin was assessed by and if they think that she needs any services they will come to the house to do it.
     Kristi and I took the kids to the DC air show, which was a mix of good and bad.  It was very hot and we were very limited as to what we could bring in.  But the kids had a good time climbing in the planes.  We also got a shot of Kristi and the kids in front of Grandpa Terry's favorite airplane, so that was very cool.
     We recently had our first experience with water balloons, and that was a huge success.  Kristi and I couldn’t fill them fast enough for the kids to throw, so we stopped tying them off and gave the kids untied balloons.  They like that even more since they could squeeze the balloons and shoot the water at each other. 
     We also traveled to a local Fun Frolic and took the kids on lots of rides which I’m sure were completely safe.  They are fine as long as they are on the ride, but as soon as it is time to get off the ride they are very unhappy.  They just get so excited (and hot) and don’t want to walk away from the fun (even if it is to get on another ride).  They are just at the stage where they have very little patience and don’t want to give up on the fun that they are having.  But overall it was another good time.
     We took a trip back to Pop and Lola’s for Abby’s 2nd birthday.  We had a joint party for her and Dmitri’s 4th birthday (Pirates vs. Princesses).  Aunt Faye planned the party at the Splash Pad and it was a blast.  The kids had a great time running around in the water / playground.  And anytime there are presents to be opened, Corin and Abby are all over it.  Corin gladly volunteered his services and assisted both Abby and Dmitri with that pesky wrapping paper.

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