Monday, May 2, 2011

Corin Turns Two!! Happy Easter!!

Corin turned two this week and was ready to party!  Grandma came out for the week and helped us celebrate.  Kristi got Corin a lovely 'Cars' cake, and as you can see from the pictures, Corin couldn't wait to get his hands on (and in) it.  As it turns out, all he wanted were the cars on top of the cake, not the cake itself.  Once he was able to play with the cars he lost all interest in the cake...he wouldn't even take a taste of it.  Luckily it was a nice day outside so he and Abby could play outside with his new water table.  They both had a blast splashing in the water.
Grandma and the parents probably had more fun with Easter than the kids did.  We did a little egg hunt outside and it did hold Corin's attention for about half a dozen eggs and then he was ready to move on to other outdoor activities.  But they were dressed up in their Sunday best and we did score a great picture of them both smiling at the same time.
The past few days have been rough in our household.  We thought that Abby was teething, since she was fussy and had a fever.  But yesterday she was very lethargic and slept for about 80% of the day.  Her fever when went up to 102 and she went into the doctor today.  Turns out it was a little less teething and a little more ear infection than we thought.  So she is on some antibiotics now and we hope that will knock out the problem and bring out little giggling girl back.

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