Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A Brave New World

We have made our big move to the east coast.  We left home with Pop and Lola...24 hours later we arrived at our new home.  With the grandparents on childcare duty, Kristi was amazing unpacking and organizing the house.  We've been in for a couple weeks and we are settling into the house well.  We are obviously going to have to live off of our GPS systems for awhile to figure out where everything is, but we've got the gym and the grocery store scouted out, so the basics are covered.
We had a nice trip into the city to see the Cherry Blossom Festival with Lola and the kids.
Abby decided to celebrate the move by starting to crawl and can now move around pretty much wherever she wants to go.  She is also cruising around the furniture; she's pulling herself up and walking around which holding onto the couch, chairs or whatever else she can get her hands on.  As a result of never wanting to sit down, she has a new bruise just about every other day.  Right now she is sporting a couple on her head where it looks like she is about to grow horns, and a slight black eye.  But she is a happy little baby and just wants to play with her brother as much as she can.
Corin just wishes that it would stop raining every other day so he could go outside and play on his new playground.  He has got a couple swings and a fort with a ladder and climbing wall leading up to the top of his slide.  He is taking his spills learning to get up to the top on his own, but just like any little boy he just wants to climb and run around his fort.  On the downside, he has created an unfortunate contraction of "Fork" and "Truck" and enjoys yelling it quite loudly.  We're working on that one.
I started work this week and the new job is very enjoyable so far.
So to sum up:
Abby loves crawling and standing up.
Corin loves running.
Mommy and Daddy love their babies.

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