Saturday, August 27, 2011

Broken bones and breaks in gums

This little bend in the bone was her break.  Her bones are young and rubbery, so there isn’t a clean break just a crinkle in the bone.  That’s my hand and ring, holding her arm on the x-ray table.

 Abby's new paint job
 Corin's new paint job

 Corin trying on Mommy's triathlon gear

I know, I know…I have fallen drastically behind in my updating.  We have had some major events in our household, so let’s get to it.
            The main story since the past update was that Abby broke her little baby wrist.  Sadly, Daddy was supervising when this took place.  Corin had been riding on a little tricycle, which has a handle for a grown-up to push and steer.  Then Abby wanted to take her turn.  We took a couple fun laps around the cul-de-sac without incident.  Then Abby fell forward and broke her fall with her right arm.  She started crying right away, but eventually she calmed down and went back to playing inside.  Over the next 24 hours we realized that every time she would break a fall with her right arm, she would always start crying.  I did a little check and we found that it hurt every time I touched a specific point on her wrist.  So I took her to the doctor, who sent us to another location for an x-ray, who sent us to another location for a cast.
            Abby dealt very well with wearing the cast for three weeks.  She just used her left hand to feed herself and had to have sponge baths in the sink.  She has had the cast off for a few weeks and we just went for her final check-up yesterday.  She has made a full recovery and will have no lasting effects.
            The other major advance in Abby’s life is that she is finally getting some teeth.  For months we thought that she might be having teething pains, but those always turned out to be something else (like a fever inducing ear infection or a broken wrist).  But now she has her two bottom teeth, and just the other day a couple of her top teeth broke through with what looks like a few more right behind them.  So it took her a little while to get them, but now it looks like they are going to come fast and furious.  She has been eating lots of different solid foods, but they either had to be soft things that she could mash with her gums, or very small pieces of harder foods.  So we are hoping that this will increase the variety of foods that she is able to eat.
            Corin is also doing well.  He continues to transition from our baby to our little boy.  He is learning more and more words and talking more and more.  He loves going to the gym everyday with Mommy and playing with the other kids in the daycare.  And it is truly a highlight of any day if he is able to get together with his buddy John and play. 
            Mommy took the kids to Atlanta to visit Grandma, Aunt Michelle, Uncle Nick and Kennedy.  Then they all took a trip to St. Louis to have a surprise 90th birthday party for Kristi’s Grandma.  They had a great time seeing everyone, and despite a flight delay which didn’t get them home until about 2 AM, the kids traveled pretty well.

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