Thursday, June 30, 2011

Abby Turns One!

 Abby pushing Corin on a little car.

Abby turned one a couple weeks ago and we had a couple of parties for our little girl.  On her actual birthday a couple of friends of ours came over to play.  Abby had a little chocolate cupcake and enjoyed the portions of it that she managed to get into her mouth.  She got a little play kitchen and some play food.  Corin has always loved playing in mini kitchens at friends’ houses, so he was thrilled as well.
A few days later Pop and Lola came into town, so of course we had to have another party.  Abby went for the white cake this time and seemed to enjoy it just as much.
Abby had her one year check up with our new doctor.  She weighed in at 20 pounds, 4 ounces (35th %) and is 29 inches tall (70th %).  So she is tall and slender, although you wouldn’t guess it looking at her chunky little arms and legs.  But she’s using those chunky legs to walk around the house.  She is officially walking, which is a fun thing to watch.  She falls a lot, but she just stands back up and tries again (unless she is in a big hurry to get somewhere and then she will crawl since that is still faster for her).
We’ve had some warm weather here, so the kids have had plenty of chances to play outside and in the water (which they love).  A local sports club had an open house to try and attract new clients.  We don’t need a new gym, but we took advantage of the opportunity to take the kids swimming outside.  As an exciting treat, they had pony rides for the kiddies.  Corin got to ride a couple times and was very upset when we had to take him away from the “neigh”.
While Pop and Lola were here we all got to take a tour of the White House.  It was a nice treat to be able to walk through the house with all of them.  I carried Corin in the backpack and Abby in our arms…luckily they were well behaved.  The first family wasn’t home, but we did see Bo the family dog running around the south grounds.  Corin announced “Doggie!” to make sure that everyone saw the pooch.  

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