Saturday, January 29, 2011

Long over due: Mexico, Christmas, New Year, and a new house

I am obviously LONG overdue in my postings.  We have been rather busy in our household, getting ready for our big move coming up in just a couple months.

December:  Kristi and I took a trip to Mexico for a good friend's wedding.  We left the kids with Pop, Lola and Grandma.  Kristi hadn't spent more than about 18 hours apart from Abby before, so it was a bit rough at time with her missing her babies.  But we were in a beautiful location, had great weather, good food and a great time.  It was a lovely little break and was wonderful to get back home to our babies.

Christmas: Grandma came to spend Christmas Eve with us, before she flew to see Aunt Michelle, Uncle Nick and cousin Kennedy.  So the kids got Christmas with Grandma, then Christmas morning at our house, then Christmas afternoon with my family.  By the end of the day Corin was a present opening master.  It didn't matter who the gift was for...he was more than happy to help them open it.

New Years Eve: There is no way that we can stay up until midnight, so we went with some other families from Kristi's mommy group to the Childrens' Museum, which does a countdown to 12:00 noon on New Year's Eve.  That was everyone gets the joy of being in a packed place with lots of screaming people counting down, without have to deprive yourself of sleep on top of it.  Corin did have a great time at the museum.  There was a small playground inside and Corin went down the slide for the first time by himself.  As soon as he figured out he could do that, he kept running from the bottom of the slide back up to the top so he could go again...and again...and again.

After seeing how much he liked that slide, Kristi and I took him to a local kids place that is full of bounce houses and inflatable slides.  He had a blast graduating from the little kiddie slide to the one story variety.

Our latest big adventure since the last posting is that we have found our next house.  Kristi and I again dropped the kids off with the grandparents so we could head out to DC and do a little house hunting.  We found a great place that is close to friends, close to school and close to our neighborhood pool.  We are excited about the possibilities that we will have out there, but will certainly miss being so close to all of our friends and family.

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