Sunday, November 21, 2010

Daddy's Back!

Well, it was a LONG six weeks away from the family, but everything went well.  It is great to finally be back.  Kristi and the kids had a busy schedule while I was gone.  The first week they went with Grandma to Atlanta to visit Aunt Michelle.  As soon as they got back, Grandpa and Mimi came for a visit.  As soon as they left, our friend Kristi came for a visit from DC.  When she flew back, my Kristi and the kids went with her for a trip to DC.  So I got to see them for a couple weekends, which was great.  One of the days we went into downtown DC and hung out at Jon Stewart's Rally to Restore Sanity for a bit.  Finally Kristi and the kids came home and were able to fall back into their normal routine.  And now I'm home to be a part of it all again.

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