Friday, October 1, 2010

Play time

Above are some older pics we just got off another camera.

Not sure what is going on here.

Sorry, I have been out of town for a bit and have fallen behind.
Things have been going fairly well at home. Corin's head continues to fill with teeth, and he enjoys proving that is has them by biting down on anything that gets near his mouth. We also think that Abby is starting to teethe already. It is a little bit early (usually around four months and she is three), but she is a bit fussier and definitely chews on her pacifier rather than sucking on it.
Abby's nights are hit and miss. While I was gone Kristi said that she did a six hour block of sleep in the night, but three hours at a time is still the norm. And Corin continues to wake up at least once most nights and cry for a bit. Sometimes it is just a little and he gets himself back to sleep. Sometimes he wakes up all the way and is standing in his crib screaming, so then we have to comfort him. Not sure when she'll sleep all the way through and he will stop crying out, but we are ready for both to happen.
The past week weeks has really just been a lot of playing at home, playing at friends' houses and playing in Bloomington. No doctor's appointments lately (although we have a few coming up), so no real updates on that front.

Corin and Dmitri having CRAZY FUN!

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