Friday, November 29, 2013

We're Back! The past year in review

Hey!  What have you been doing for the past year?  You know what I haven’t been doing?  Updating this blog.  We have still been taking lots of pictures, but it seems like work has gotten a little crazier and I have less time to sit down and update you on our lives.  
Corin turned four this year.  At his check-up he weighed in at 44.5 pounds (95th percentile) and 42.5 inches (90th percentile).  So we've come a long way from the premature baby in the incubator.  Abby turned three and she weighed in at 32 pounds (63rd percentile) and 37.5 inches (60th percentile).  So everyone is coming along perfectly.
Corin and Abby are currently both in a preschool that has a focus on speech therapy.  Corin has been making incredible progress there.  It is almost hard to remember how little he could really say or communicate when he started at the school.  He's still working on some things but that is progressing nicely.  (In the two weeks that it has taken me to work on all of these pictures, Corin seems to have really turned a corner at school.  He is listening to everything that the teachers say, doing everything that he needs to do and having a great time while doing it.  He comes home excited to show us the projects he has worked on and to tell us the story and sign us the song of the day.  We know there are still going to be bumps in the road, but we are excited at how far he has come).
Abby is also making progress there but much more slowly.  She can say a lot of things, she just doesn't most of the time.  She has finally started actually asking for things that she wants or answering your questions, which has been a huge advance.  She understands everything that we say to her, she is just working on her end of the conversations.  But both are making good progress and there is no cause worry in the long term.
Enjoy this photo-diary as I walk you though what we have been doing since last Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving celebration at Corin’s school. 

 Thanksgiving in Ohio.

Cutting down our Christmas tree.

 Abby brushing her horse.
 Abby is a serious artist.
 The Night Before Christmas.

 Christmas morning.

 Dress-up day at the Children’s Museum.

 Father / Son bowling night for school.

 Dying Easter Eggs.

  Easter morning with Dmitri.

 Corin’s 4th birthday.

 Super heroes at Corin’s birthday party.

 In ATL with Grandma.

 Bloomington fun.

 Abby's 3rd birthday.

 The grandkids having a GREAT time with Pop.

 Abby’s 3rd birthday party.

Delighting at fireworks.
 4th of July in SC with Grandpa and Mimi

 Eating ice to stay cool

 Fireworks with Grandpa and Mimi

 Playing with Kennedy in ATL

 Dancing for the first day of school

 First time on the school bus

 Wildwood, NJ with Pop and Lola

 Cookie face

 First family roller coaster


 Dressing up with Mommy and Grandma

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