Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Abby's 2nd 2nd birthday party, Wildwood, ATL, Corin's first day of school

Corin and Abby decorating cupcakes for her birthday party

Comfortable nap before the party

Corin helping blow out the candle

Opening her gift from Grandpa and Mimi

Letting it all hang out with Pop

Corin and Abby playing in the cabinets on our beach vacation

Dmitri and Corin loving the beach

Abby digging herself into a hole

Corin's first roller coaster

Visiting Grandma in Atlanta
Post-bath playtime with Kennedy
Playing at the ATL Children's Museum

Kisses from Aunt Chelle

Playing on Kennedy's new playset

Swimming at Grandma's pool

Attempt at triple child photo shoot

 Corin heading out for his first day of school


You would think that I’m busy with work, family and life based on how infrequently I’ve been updating this blog.  But that will change shortly.  I’ll have another update in a few days, but wanted to get all of these pics up here first.
            After returning from Abby’s birthday party in Indiana, we had another party for her at home with Grandma and some good friends.  Abby and Corin stepped up to the plate to assist with cupcake decorations.  Corin was only interested in dumping out the sprinkles and pretending to eat the cupcakes (he actually doesn’t like any kind of cake or ice cream…straight chocolate is his drug of choice).  Abby enjoyed spreading the icing and then destroying the cupcake with her knife.
            We then had a summertime visit from Pop and Lola.  In these photos (and in my mind) that rolled right into a beach vacation in NJ with Pop, Lola, Aunt Faye and Dmitri.  The kids had a GREAT time at the beach.  Corin spent the first hour in the ocean pointing at every wave that came in and shouting “Look out!  Behind you!”.  He and Dmirti had lots of fun running around on the beach and Abby was completely content to dig, play and cover herself in the sand.  We took the kids to a little amusement park while we were there and all three of them had lot of fun riding the rides (and so did I as the accompanying adult).
            Once we recovered from that trip, we loaded up again and headed down to Atlanta to visit Grandma, Aunt Chelle, Uncle Nick and Kennedy.  Grandma’s new complex has a pool in it and we took full advantage of it.  We were there for about a week and were by ourselves in the pool almost every day.  It was great weather and the kids are total water-babies.  They have little floaties that let them swim around on their own and they couldn’t get enough of kicking around in the pool.  They love both of their cousins, so just like the good times with Dmitri, they had a blast running around and playing with Kennedy.
            Once we returned home it was time for Corin to head out for his first day of school.  He goes to school five days a week for about 2 ½ hours in the morning.  For the first couple weeks, Mommy would take him to school and pick him up every day.  But fairly quickly he started getting upset that he didn’t get to ride on the bus, since he saw all of the other kids on there.  So now he gets picked up from the house by the bus (which he loves) and Mommy and Abby walk to pick him up (which Mommy loves).  Abby cries out a little bit every time the bus takes her brother away.  He has fun in school and he has been showing improvement in his speech and in following directions.