Abby's first try at finger painting
Corin is doing well. He is talking more and more, and getting better at being able to express himself. Abby has decided to stop aging. She still has only said one word (baby) and has stopped at six teeth. But she is progressing well in other ways. She is babbling all of the time and mimicking a lot on gestures and facial expressions, which is very funny to watch.
You may notice that there is an improvement in the quality (in the latter pictures) and an increase in the quantity of the pictures on the blog. We just got a great deal on a new professional camera. It can do about 1,000,000 things that I'll never use, but one thing that it certainly does is take great photos. So enjoy...we certainly do. And just a reminder that you can see bigger versions of all of the pics on the blog by clicking on them. If you wanted to print any pics out, you can save a big version of any of the small pics by right clicking on it and selecting "Save link as...". You will then be able to save the full size version of the image.