Thursday, September 22, 2011

Change the music

 Some pics from a few months ago that were on my phone.  Corin and I took a ride on a little train that goes through a local mall.  Most of them aren't great, but you can still see how excited he was to be on a train.

 Pop's surprise birthday party.

 Our little girl took a spill onto her face and got banged up.  I thought she looked like a little prize fighter with her robe on.

Corin continues his transition from a toddler to a little boy. Lately this transition has manifested itself by pushing Abby down as she stands up on the couch or anything else. One of his favorite activities is to play in the car while it is parked. He loves crawling all over the seats, pushing all the buttons, and (as I recently discovered) filling the car CD player with change. So now if I want to listen to CDs in the car I'm going to have to pay someone a bunch of money to get $2.68 in change out of my player.
Abby just had her 15 month check-up yesterday. She weighed in at 21 pounds 14 oz. (30th %) and 31 1/2 inches (80th %). Additionally, she has already mastered everything on the list of benchmarks she should hit by the time she is 18 months. Not to brag, but basically, she is a super-model, baby-genius. Her main complaint now is that she has at least three more teeth coming in and that can quickly soil her usually sunny disposition.
We had a good trip to visit Pop & Lola a few weeks ago. Kristi was in a wedding so we made the drive out with the kids. It ended up being about 11 1/2 hours each way. The kids did reasonably well, but they were certainly ready to get out of the car when we were done (but in fairness, so were their parents). While out there we also celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary.
Once back home we took the kids to the local county fair. The kids enjoyed seeing the animals (including pig racing!).  But once Corin found an available tractor, he didn't have eyes for anything else. So there was a little fit when we had to leave that. Then there was another fit when we had to leave fair's bounce house. He is a happy kid an overwhelming majority of the time, but once he is engaged in an activity that he enjoys, he gets VERY upset when it is time to move on to something else.  Lola says kids his age don't like transitions, and that would appear to be true. 
Corin has also started asking, “Christian, what are you doing?”.  It is funny to hear him say it.  Kristi says he asks her the same thing when I’m not there, so it appears he doesn’t know that he is saying my name.