Saturday, July 9, 2011

Happy 4th of July

Corin, Abby and Mommy took a trip back to Indiana for the 4th of July and to help Grandma get ready for her big move. Corin had a GREAT time at the parade…Kristi said he got so excited by the lights and sirens from the fire trucks. You can see he got a little too excited at one point and decided to join the parade and jump in with the Tibetan monks.
The kids had a great time hanging out with Grandma, Lola, Aunt Emily and Uncle Matt.  They got to take in the local pool, which they can't seem to get enough of.  
Back home, Corin finally had his two year check up. He weighed in just over 32 pounds and was exactly 3 feet tall. The doc said he is perfectly healthy and looks right on track.
Yesterday we went to Corin’s best buddy John’s 2nd birthday party. The kids got a great treat when the local fire department brought a truck over for the kids to explore. Corin and John were so excited to be able to ring the bell and climb all over the truck.