Sunday, March 27, 2011

Corin: 23 months; Abby: 9 months

 Mommy couldn't find Corin's gloves, so he had to wear some of hers.

 Corin chopping veggies...his new favorite activity.

 Playing with Monkey and Dexter.

 Sharing a nice refreshing drink with Monkey and Dexter.
It has been a crazy month for our family. We sold our house faster than we thought we would and have moved in with Grandma until we get transferred for my new position. It has been great being so close to family, but with crazy sleeping arraignments and 95% of our stuff in storage, we are looking forward to getting into our new house and being able to setting in a little bit.

The kids are doing great with everything and are as happy as ever. Corin turned 23 months old the other day. He is ready for the warm weather to come for good, since there is nothing he would rather do than play outside. He is saying more and more words all the time (flower, truck, bye-bye, outside, Abby, doggie, monkey, fish, bubbles, Mommy, Daddy, Pop, Lola, up, down...), and is babbling many more that we can't understand. He enjoys playing with other kids at the gym daycare, and loves playing with his cousin Dmitri. He is a big fan of pretty much any playground and gets very upset when you take him away from one or try to bring him inside before he is done playing.

Abby had her nine month check-up the other day and she is going wonderfully. She weighs 17 pounds, 11 ounces (29th percentile), and is 28" tall (66th percentile). So she is tall and trim (although you wouldn't know it to look at her chunky little body. More than anything, this little girl just wants to be able to move around. She can flip from her back to her front and back again when she is on the ground. She can push herself up into a sitting position and works very hard at pulling herself up to her feet, but she is not quite there yet. She will take steps when you hold her hands, and that is all she wants to do. She hasn't made any real movements towards crawling and it looks like she will be running before she can crawl.

We have just a few days left before the big move. We are looking forward to the next stage in our great adventure...