Sunday, August 15, 2010

Abby two months / Corin 15 months / Family Vacation

Lola, Dmitri and Abby.

Corin in his cowboy PJs.

Empty box...sometimes the best toy possible.

Wearing mommy's fuzzy socks (which make him look like a Muppet or fawn).

This boy LOVES his mower.

Family vacation!

For some reason it is much harder to stay on top of updating this blog with two children than it was when we only had one. So again, we are sorry for the delay and are trying to make up for it with lots of pics and video.
Abby had her two month check-up and measured 23" and weighed in at 9 pounds, 13.25 ounces. So she is growing nicely. Corin had his 15 month check-up and measured 31.5 inches (getting close to that yardstick), and weighed 26 pounds, 4.25 ounces.
Abby is progressing very well. Things seem to be happening fairly quickly for her compared to Corin, but that may be fuzzy memory in addition to his premature status. She holds her head up well and tracks moving objects with her head and eyes. We would still probably trade some of that progress for a little more sleep at night. She still eats about every three hours, and is not always a silent sleeper (a lot of grunting and other noises). So sleeping for the parents is still not as great as we would like. So we take turns sleeping with her or trying to get away from her in the other room. The one drawback with that is that the other room is right next to Corin's room and many nights he cries out in the middle of the night. So some nights you just have to pick your poison.
Night time aside, Corin is an extremely happy boy and has a lot of fun with almost anything he does. He loves to get into anywhere that is not locked down, and then pull out whatever he can get his hands on. He loves pushing things around (his mower, the walking-popper thing, chairs, stools, this car, his sister's chair, etc). He has recently learned High-Five and how to give a kiss. Both of these are fun and very sweet. Whenever he does either of them (or anything else which he feels is an accomplishment) he immediately claps his hands and cheers, and expects you to do the same.
We recently took a family vacation to Lake Michigan with Pop, Lola, Grandma, Aunt Faye and Dmitri. We had a lot of run playing in the sand and the water. One highlight was getting to go to the zoo and feed the goats. As the video shows, Corin had a great time with that.

Corin yelling at the dryer.